Smart Vision Edu Group is a team of academicians to work for academic services. The team members are from different disciplines to promote academic activities such as in service training programmes, skill development programmes, research orientation programmes, soft skill training,  digital advancement and academic publication. Our team is committed to support organize educational events such as seminar, symposium, workshop, debates, short term programmes to enhance the ability of teacher of different levels.


Smart Vision Multidisciplinary Journal is a peer reviewed, open access, referred, quarterly online journal. Smart Vision provides platform to researchers and academicians from their respective subject areas for expose the original research for the betterment society & nation. The prime motto of Smart Vision is to inspire & accelerate the authors in varied subject areas order to achieve excellence.
Smart Vision journal accepts the papers in the following subjects:
  • Social Sciences
  • Library and Information Science
  • Language and Humanities
  • Accountings, Finance, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting
  • Education and Physical Education
  • Business, Commerce and Corporate Governance
  • Arts, Fine Arts
